Saturday, July 31, 2010

Proverb....I hope I'm a caterpillar

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world would end it became a butterfly."  Proverb

I'm not the most confident person, but I am trying!!  Over the past number of years; somehow feeling empowered as I approached 40, I have allowed-encouraged myself to try a number of new experiences!
No regrets!...just learning more and having fun doing so!
...But I'm certainly not done yet, I have lots to do...lots I want to do and hope my confidence continues to grow...because it's never too late to come out of the cocoon if you really want to! (right!?)
I want to ...not go crazy but not allow life to pass me by because I couldn't muster the courage to leave the cocoon!
Seize the day!   :o]

Friday, July 30, 2010

Thoughts on a Rainy Day...a blast from the past Monday, March 13, 2006

 While it's summer and now 2010 this old post reminded me of why a rainy day is so deliciously delightful and especially welcomed following such hot, humid, tiring, summer days, such as we have had several of this year!  Rain leaves you feeling inspired, rejuvenated, foot loose and fancy free!  and with more on that thought...

 Monday, March 13, 2006 On a rainy day  It's raining this morning but what a joy ...there is nothing so nice as sleeping in on a rainy day...the rain on the roof, the sound of a contented cat curled up beside me, the birds singing of their pleasure for the rain...while we could still be blasted with some late snowfalls spring is most definitely very close by. My desire to work outdoors, digging, raking changing the scene on a brand new spring canvas; my yard, gets greater with every day. A childhood memory of the scent of damp earth and mucky "rubber boot beckoning" as if I am in the very place I might have first discovered it! ...A rainy night, a rainy's all good!

Go on...jump with all your joyful might into that mud puddle know you want to!   :o]

When I Grow Up

Someone once asked "When do you know for sure you have/or are grown up?

One answer was it comes to pass when you purchase your first home. This struck me as very true-it's rather frightening while of course exciting!  Suddenly your signature is there etched upon quite a multitude of official papers committing you to many years of undeniable responsibility.

Of lately, I've had another revelation of deciding when one may feel like a grown up.  This time my thinking involves watching my own children take on new experiences and also in watching other younger children engage in activities my once young children used to partake in regularly.  Each of these instances left me feeling suddenly very grown up...well, o.k, perhaps a little "older"!

My children are suddenly old enough to make certain decisions regardless of my approval or disapproval and while that leaves me feeling grown-up I also feel a little less in control of what happens next!  Control...the nice part of being grown call the shots!   
The young children I had been observing at play on the nearby sand hill could easily have been my own about 15 years ago.  There they were gathering items, helping each other carry said items into the woods to create a well planned fort.  Funny how while things change so much they really never do!

Growing up also means realizing everything changes ...everything that we hold fast to can change without any notice, without our approval, without our being able to keep that change from occurring!   One of the things I have begun to think about more than ever before is losing my parents.   Most recently someone I know lost one of their parents and only a very very short time after lost their other parent.  It's hard enough to even fathom the thought of such things happening but we know inevitably they do and knowing that certainly don't imagine losing both at the same time!  I recall when my Mom's Mother died and her telling me how much you can't imagine can't begin to realize what that does to you.   Of course we know we are all going to die but to truly have to consider the idea so concretely frightens one and leaves you completely at a loss for how to understand and move forward from such an experience.

All anyone can do is to live every day like you are a child discovering everything for the first time, embrace learning and never be afraid to admit to having learned-regardless of how smart you think you are, say hello to people as you pass, be prepared to offer a helping hand to someone...yes, even a stranger, take opportunities as they present themselves and love 'til it hurts to imagine losing the ones you love, there is no other way and while hurting you also experience the most soul felt, life affirming, heart filling wonder ever!
...And sing like no-one is listening!

I am grown up because I know enough to  take the time to be a kid once in a while and encourage children to be children as much as possible!

We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing!

It's Monday and the Sky is Falling

 Mondays have the same potential as any other day to be great or not so great, that's a fact.    This past Monday, no exception. Unfortu...