Wednesday, January 6, 2021

It's Monday and the Sky is Falling

 Mondays have the same potential as any other day to be great or not so great, that's a fact.    This past Monday, no exception.

Unfortunately, this Monday not only began as a not so great day but also seemed rather symbolic of the unfortunate, not so great things that happened in 2020; the arrival of my first grandchild a most welcome and beautiful exception.

Just as my husband had poured his second cup of coffee, he heard a dripping sound and not from the coffee maker.    He looked up and saw the drip coming from the ceiling.    He callled upstairs to me, "Cath, we may have a burst pipe!!!!!", but that seemed rather unlikely.

About 5 to 10 minutes later I heard "SHIT!" and the sound of a LOT of water hitting the kitchen floor then continuing to the basement.  Truly it sounded like I might be on a sinking ship.  I did my best to get downstairs slowly and carefully; I have some weakness and am on oxygen, so have to watch my step.   John is usually there to spot me.

I couldn't believe the hole in the ceiling.  How is this happening.   Enough already!

Hubby calls our friend and talented contractor, explains our situation and we are fortunate he arrives before very long at all, assesses the mess and looks into what the problem is.    All assessed and it turns out the problem is a slowly leaking cold water pipe running from our lovely tub, which has created a pool in the kitchen ceiling and has chosen Monday to let go.   We are thankful to hear it would not a be a difficult fix; not as bad as a burst pipe.   YAY!   

From the beginning of this day to that point, this seemed like a summary of how this year was from early on and then had continued to be.   There was Covid in it's early days here in Canada, then there was a diagnosis of my cancer recurrence in February, like a shadow to covid.  This is so very surreal, especially in it's timing, and I am forced to leave the job I love dearly, to go into safe hiding to keep from contracting any other ills with my weakened immune system.

Today, taps/pipes are replaced, drywall is up on the ceiling, first layer of mudding done and we're still smiling, laughing, making jokes because this is just how life goes; sadly sometimes taking us by complete, unpleasant surprise.   When the ceiling; or sky, is falling, panicking is going to do you no good at all, learn to find the lighter side, there's a joke there somewhere, it may be hard to find, but it's there.


It's Monday and the Sky is Falling

 Mondays have the same potential as any other day to be great or not so great, that's a fact.    This past Monday, no exception. Unfortu...