Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sing(in), Sing(in) a Song!

It has occurred to me that I DO love to sing!   I realize I AM NOT an extremely strong/talented vocalist but I'm afraid that won't stop me from continuing to sing!    While I have not been out to audition for a musical production now in five years, the desire to has not completely gone away and of course one needn't wait for such auditions to come along in order to enjoy the indulgence of simply singing for the sake of singing!  

More often than not I can sing a song in relation to just about any given situation while in the midst of the moment of; not unlike Mac Davis asking an audience member for a topic! I realize I have just aged myself!!  
Sometimes it's just silly fun, sometimes a song invoked by moments in a day or events happening, sometimes inspired by the company of a good friend, etc., just having fun and joining together in song!!!  Whatever the reason I hope you too find plenty of reason, or sing just for the sake of the joy it brings to you!   <3 p="">

While going through some old files of video found just a couple of "songs" and singable moments I have enjoyed in the past; either for fun or with an intention in the making of!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Spilling the apple basket well worth the memories invoked!

Tipping the basket over and it's contents spilling out onto the deck, there in front of me I see three words that bring a flood of memories and of course a sudden imagined scent of freshly baked bread to my senses!

With my parents having sold their house and preparing to move soon, they have been sending many items home with each of us in knowing they are downsizing greatly.   A recent acquisition, their clothespin basket and it's contents!    On the surface it just seems like any other old 2 quart apple basket, but upon scanning over the ejected items I see three words staring back at me, "Happy Home Bakery"!    I can't believe it or the instantaneously imagined scent of freshly baked bread, cookies, etc.!

Wow, I feel as if I have suddenly been transported back to a long forgotten time, though will never forget going in there and seeing the delight on my children's faces when always from behind the display case there was a friendly voice to say, "Would you like a cookie today?"!  I haven't many of my own childhood memories there having grown up in the country and only popping in there on a rare occasion.

Remembering the bakery of course pulls me back to a time when we were just starting out, leaving high school, heading to college, my husband and I as a couple, the many other businesses locally which have since changed and you find yourself looking down the street trying to remember where they were and how it all looked and what they sold.    One little clothespin so many memories and another realization of how time transports us from one time to another and how much those memories  mean to us.  I am also now feeling a desire to bake cookies...oven is on!

Spilling the apple basket (cart) isn't always such a bad thing!

I'm curious to know what items guide you down memory lane and to what memories?

It's Monday and the Sky is Falling

 Mondays have the same potential as any other day to be great or not so great, that's a fact.    This past Monday, no exception. Unfortu...