Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's real.

Cold bites at my feet, I shiver.
Everyone is near, but I feel alone.
Sorrow has come and will come again.
There must be a mistake, because this doesn't feel real.
My son is right, Cancer is a bitch.

Words to the Soul

The words from the paper fill me with such a sorrowful realization
Though there is love all 'round, darkness will fall.
While not fully understood each one digests the truth in their own way.

I have read beautiful but wakening, sad words.
My eyes well up, a sting of tears upon my face and the sting of truth upon my heart.

It's Monday and the Sky is Falling

 Mondays have the same potential as any other day to be great or not so great, that's a fact.    This past Monday, no exception. Unfortu...