Thursday, September 21, 2017

...Not Quite so Nearly Naked.

So there I was seeking out a washroom, while strolling short corridors within' the diagnostic imaging department in a fabulously fashionable gown...actually two.   Two gowns.   How wonderful of someone to have finally decided it is not terribly dignifying to wonder about, whilst ones buttocks with their sideways smile, make an unannounced appearance directly behind you, ahead of everyone else.  
Being asked; by random people in a meeting, "Are you looking for your clothes?", made me considerably grateful I was clothed in some degree at that very moment.
Someone was clever enough to initiate the "first gown goes front facing and second gown rear facing" ensemble which gives one the extra layer of security in feeling not quite so nearly naked.
My clothes safely kept in a nearby change cubicle and I, safely kept in two gowns.


It's Monday and the Sky is Falling

 Mondays have the same potential as any other day to be great or not so great, that's a fact.    This past Monday, no exception. Unfortu...